links to an assortment of content
here's all my favorite stuff! i'm going to try to list my favorite artists, musicians, manga, etc. here in the coming days :3 and also of course really helpful useful links.
artists i really care about!
- Tony Domenico (Mr. Yes)
-if you ever see this mr. yes i love your works i love petscop and 3d workers island and i am so compelled by how you explore layered stories about stories and you so masterfully handle mystery and keeping things a secret
- Anatola Howard (Maroon Raccoon)
-i first became a fan of their art when i played penpals. now i just adore their comics. i loved the halloween batman joker comic, i love fox and bunny, i think they have an incredibly tight control over their character stylizations and their shading and crosshatching and technical ability is just so amazing UGHHH I LOVE YOUR WORK!!!
- Ari (brujo_ari_)
-if you're on instagram and pinterest, i'm sure you've seen his art floating around, so i wanted to take the time to credit him for his art! i think it is so lovely that kate and alex started out as the artist putting their own spin on jotakak LMFAO but i do love the cartoon style, i love that alex and kate are both lgbt, i think it's really inspiring that they just draw their two beloved OC's all the time and people love those OC's too!
- plastiboo
-dope ass horror artist with a retro video games style. all their horror art leaves me in awe, truly. i'm like, how did you make these visual effects? the bas-relief effect is so dope!! rare case of an artist whos speed-draw videos i would watch
awesome manga/webcomics
- ヨコハマ買い出し紀行 (Yokohama Shopping Log/Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou) by 芦奈野ひとし(Hitoshi Ashinano)
-a peaceful story about an android at the end of the world. a quiet sunsetting, a gentle breeze across empty fields.
- what happens next by max graves
-remember the slenderman murders? the real life case where a child killed another child after being influenced by the events of that internet creepypasta? in a way, this is a fictional autopsy about the aftermath of a deeply controversial murder, and also about being transgender and gay and terminally online. enjoy
- AUTOPRAXIS by Audrey capmics and MillieBobbieFlay
-what can i say, i love my homestuck fanadventures. AUTOPRAXIS is pretty promising so far, transfemme-centric game of SBURB where six youths struggle to coordinate a session and for some reason some random new yorkers got pulled into the medium too. very fun!
anime i've actually watched
- Astro Boy (1980's Series)
-i watched a lot of the 1980's remake of the original Astro Boy a LOT as a kid. i had these DVDs of several key episodes. 1980's Astro Boy is fucking nuts. like, yeah it's mostly procedural in that every episode has a new enemy robot of the week, but also, the little boy who Astro Boy is built after DIES in episode 1. he gets KIDNAPPED FOR LABOR by an evil circus in episode 3! definitely pretty grim for a children's show.
useful tools of all kinds
- Image Map Hover Tutorial
-it's so awesome how most coding problems i have are already solved by people smarter than me, who put it on the internet :D this is how i did my neighbors page
- my noise net
-i really like this noise generator website because there are so many options! i'm lowkey into that brainhacking shit like asmr, binaural beats, etc. this website has white noise, rain noise, speech blocker, theta waves, you name it! i really like it for focus.
- paletton
-this is a useful little color tool for understanding a variety of harmonic color palettes? like the triad, or complementary colors. idk fun to poke around
- colordot - a color picker for humans
-move your mouse around on the screen to get a random hex code that's mapped to your cursor position! also good for when youre bored and you wanna wiggle your mouse around lmao
- atom smasher's error message generator
-remember old windows error messages? from like the windows XP era. god i miss that shit. anyways you can make your own with this handy little tool!!
- flame painter by escape motions
-probably found this one from pointless sites, it's a neat little online drawing tool. you can use it to add flame effects to your art, or you can do what i did, which is just scribble things with different colors and different weight settings for hours on end, adjusting the symmetry and being fascinated by the way the lines swirled together. it's a tool and it cures boredom haha.
- pexels
-free stock photos and videos. highly recommend this website because i use it a lot for work and for personal projects. the database is full of quality photography, taken by real people that you can donate to individually. useful, with a large selection for a free site.
- waifu2x
-look ignore the questionable name. its an image resizer, but it does it much cleaner than anything else. idk y! just try it out for urself. good tool!!!
- javascript kit
-are you a fellow programming nerd? new to neocities and coding, but want cool web features? look no further..the lovely folks of javascript kit provide free js code with clear explanations! now you too can zazz up your page w/ little to no experience in programming languages! my tarot card generator is based on this code hehehehe
- this person does not exist
-i'll be honest, i was about to recommend this as a resource for practicing portrait drawing/sketching but i rescind that recommendation because it really generates a lot of white people and heaven knows we got enough white people art. but it's still really cool.
- jamie zawinski's dadadodo linux program
-i will be real i do not know how to use this but i'm hoping by putting this out there someone might learn and then hit me up and teach me cause lulmao i do NOT be knowing shit
- pointless sites dot com
-one of my favorite websites from when i was a kid, at the cusp of the social media boom. i'd get bored of watching my goldfish swim around on my google home page, get tired of bad jokes, and just google i'm bored until i found this website. lots of fun stuff to occupy your time, with their own categories of links.
- bdg's kojima name generator
-woohoo! combee my friend, and tell me your kojima name...i'm big apron heartman and *dies*
- the salmon of capistrano
-sound on. look at fish. repeat.
- tales of dorime
-dungeon crawler where you are a catholic mouse.
rocky's curated list of cool reads
-this is just a cute twine game about. being queer and trans and mentally ill but having a good fucking day anyways. great pick me up for when youre down, but i cannot promise it speaks to all experiences of those three things.
- poetry corner hosted by rjl20
-this is a cool adolescent poetry generator that i believe makes use of jamie zawinski's dadadodo text program? i learned today that zawinski is actually a founder for netscape and mozilla and it's like damn! small virtual world, that this poetry thing i liked was actually related to such a big figure in the online world or something. idk jamie please teach me how to use dadadodo i dont want to install linux.
- anxiety is the dizziness of freedom by ted chiang
-ted chiang i love youuu. i need everyone i know to read this and feel the warmth of this story as viscerally as i did. i won't even say anything about it other than that it. it's just so damn tender and loving in a way that's not romantic. but it has this sheer compassion for the human experience. so yeah.
- j bearhat on
-cool zines and prose. found this creator ages ago. funny enough they're a part of mammon machine, a patreon collective that also includes aevee bee of We Know the Devil fame. that game happens to be one of my new favorites after my good friend rose introduced it to me. it's funny how the things you love come back to you, one by one. that was a reference to the mountain goats hehe
- geostatonary on tumblr
-this one is for the nerds. i'm not into tabletop rpgs because i don't have enough friends, but geostatonary has a lot of works and writing related to nobilis? i assume thats a ttrpg, but even the uninitated such as myself can find the worldbuilding enjoyable. if you're a fan of normalhoroscopes and concept gothic memes, you'll like this one.
- starman2001 by @fishpilgrim on twitter
-recently found this artist and i love his works. fellow he/they....please support this man i am in love w the storytelling and artstyle. this goes under artistic because it inspires me so much!!!!!
- north of reality by uel aramchek
-this is one of my top favorites. north of reality is described as an "explorable fiction space" that ran until may of 2019. the author has since moved on to other projects, but i still find it a fun and fascinating collection. i follow uel on twitter and their current stuff slaps too! this one is just in my heart the most though and if you read the listings you'll see why.
- you, disappearing by alexandra kleeman
-this short story stuck with me for a long time. loss and the end of all things is hard to cope with, and this one hit hard. give it a read.
- the orangutans are skeptical of changes in their cages by u/ZacharyAdams
-i know what you might be thinking. rocky, why are you linking to a reddit nosleep story on your so called good reads list? and well. what can i say? nosleep was pretty good! it's a big subreddit now, but when it was smaller by a tad bit, there were still good stories right? this one. was a mindfuck and i think it deserves to be read by more people. i liked it! for nonredditors, beware! this is a horror story.
- the janitor in space by amber sparks
-i must have read this in freshman year, or just before the start of sophomore year. and. well. it's a tasteful short story about the emptiness of space. it's good.
- ugly, bitter, and true by suzanne rivecca
-trigger warning for descriptions of suicidal intent and discussion of disordered eating. this is a brutally honest self reflection by rivecca on her mental health and drive towards perfectionism. i felt seen when i read it senior year, and i no longer identify with it as much, but maybe you will. "It took a while for the splintered parts of my mind to reknit and form some kind of foundation. I don’t know how this happens. It’s just a slow, unnoticeable coalescing. At some point, months later, I realized I wasn’t asking myself who or what I was anymore. I just knew."
- librarians in the branch library of babel by shaenon k. garrity
-jorge luis borges did the whole library of babel thing first, but the one mistake he made was not making enough of it. so here's an inspired short story. it's been a while since i read it, but im fond of anything that touches upon the idea of the infinite library, especially since we basically look at it every time we use the web.
- we men of science by raphael bob-waksberg
-i was going to write a blurb for this short story but i just realized that the author might be the same guy that made bojack horseman, so if that means anything to you. i recommend this story.
- The Saturday Rumpus Essay: Fairy Tales, Trauma, Writing into Dissociation by sasha lapointe
-trigger warning on this one for mentions of child abuse, specifically in exploring the trauma around sexual abuse. i think any words i have would do this essay an injustice, but. i do recommend this read.
- unauthorized bread by cory doctorow
-"a tale of jailbreaking refugees versus IoT appliances". if this novella doesn't reflect your experiences AND it doesn't radicalize you thats like fine i guess but what WILL it take to radicalize you at this point?
- you are jeff by richard siken
-sorry not sorry i read tumblr popular poetry but i really like this whole work
- jovialtorchlight on tumblr
-jonny bolduc's poetry speaks to me. please support him, he's a really good poet and dawndark was a beautiful collection. buy that shit! support indie writers whenever and wherever you can
- mithu sen's poetry
this website un-speaks for itself